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To make API calls on BudPay, you’ll have to pass a Bearer Token (your_secret_key).

  • BASE_URL https://api.budpay.com/api/v2/
  • Pass your secret key as the Bearer token in Authorization Header.

    PLEASE NOTE: For staging or sandbox environment, please use your TEST KEYS whiile for live or production environment, please use LIVE KEYS.

  • Pass your HMAC Signature as Encryption Header. (Required only in Payout and Bills Payment)

NOTE: Signature authentication ensures the highest level of security for your payment creation requests. Not only does it provide a secure authentication mechanism, but also it ensures the integrity of your request payload, that is the content of your request payload has not been altered since it was transmitted from your side. BudPay signatures are calculated using HMAC-SH512 applied to payload and signed with your public key.

NOTE: Make sure your payload is arranged alphabetically

Authentication Format

                                    Authorization: Bearer  {secret_key}
                                        Authorization: Bearer  {secret_key},
                                        Encryption:  {Signature_HMAC-SHA-512}
                                        Authorization: Bearer  {secret_key},
                                        Encryption:  {Signature_HMAC-SHA-512}
                                        BASE_URL:  https://api.budpay.com/api/s2s/,
                                        Authorization: Bearer  {secret_key}
                                        BASE_URL:  https://api.budpay.com/api/s2s/v2/,
                                        Authorization: Bearer  {secret_key},
                                        Encryption:  {Signature_HMAC-SHA-512}