
Popular Searches:
Payment Link

Payment Link

Creating A New Payment Link

Base URL: https://api.budpay.com/api/v2

Endpoint: create_payment_link

Method: POST

Post Parameters

Param Type Required? Decription
name string Yes Payers' name: eg. 'Sam Owo Link'
amount string Yes Payment link amount. eg: '100'
currency string Yes NGN
description string yes This is the payment link description
redirect url yes This is a custom redirect link after completing payment. eg: 'https://google.com'
type string no Default = onetime if not set, if recurring, interval and times are required
interval string required if type = recurring This is the interval of payment
times string required if type = recurring eg '1'
custom_url string no A custom suffix for your payment link. eg: "sam_payment_link_test"
paycode string no enter your unique paycode

Sample Request

                                -X POST
                                    "name":"Firstname Lastname",
                                    "description":"budpay payment link",
                                    "type":"onetime", // default = onetime if not set, if recurring, interval and times are required
                                    "interval":"", // required if type = recurring
                                    "times":1, // required if type = recurring


Sample Response

                                    "message":"Payment Link created successfully",