
Popular Searches:
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The Settlements API allows you fetch all your settlement history.

List Settlements

List all your business Settlements.

Endpoint: /settlement
Method: GET


Param Type Required? Decription
authorization string Yes Set value to Bearer SECRET_KEY

Sample Request

                                curl https://api.budpay.com/api/v2/settlement
                                -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
                                -X GET

Sample Response

                                    "status": true,
                                    "message": "settlement retrieved",
                                    "data": [
                                            "id": 3391,
                                            "batchid": "3748219937352",
                                            "currency": "NGN",
                                            "total_amount": "101.4",
                                            "settled_amount": "100",
                                            "domain": "live",
                                            "status": "success",
                                            "subaccount": null,
                                            "created_at": "2023-01-02T01:40:43.000000Z",
                                            "updated_at": "2023-01-02T01:40:43.000000Z"
                                            "id": 3375,
                                            "batchid": "017315e113ae4",
                                            "currency": "NGN",
                                            "total_amount": "1318.2",
                                            "settled_amount": "1300",
                                            "domain": "live",
                                            "status": "success",
                                            "subaccount": null,
                                            "created_at": "2022-12-30T01:40:42.000000Z",
                                            "updated_at": "2022-12-30T01:40:42.000000Z"
                                            "id": 3362,
                                            "batchid": "9635111901164",
                                            "currency": "NGN",
                                            "total_amount": "202.8",
                                            "settled_amount": "200",
                                            "domain": "live",
                                            "status": "success",
                                            "subaccount": null,
                                            "created_at": "2022-12-29T01:40:39.000000Z",
                                            "updated_at": "2022-12-29T01:40:39.000000Z"
                                    "meta": {
                                        "total": 3

Get Settlements By BatchId

Get details of a Settlement with all transactions of that settlement .

Endpoint: /settlement/details/:{batchid}
Method: GET


Param Type Required? Decription
authorization string Yes Set value to Bearer SECRET_KEY

Path Params

Param Type Required? Decription
batchid string Yes settlement batchid

Sample Request

                                curl https://api.budpay.com/api/v2/settlement/details/:{batchid}
                                -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
                                -X GET

Sample Response

                                "status": true,
                                "message": "Settlement retrieved",
                                "data": {
                                    "id": 3508,
                                    "batchid": "1166806529561",
                                    "currency": "NGN",
                                    "total_amount": "70",
                                    "settled_amount": "20",
                                    "domain": "live",
                                    "status": "success",
                                    "subaccount": null,
                                    "created_at": "2023-01-15T01:41:31.000000Z",
                                    "updated_at": "2023-01-15T01:41:31.000000Z"
                                "transactions": [
                                        "id": 1413380,
                                        "currency": "NGN",
                                        "amount": "70",
                                        "fees": "50",
                                        "requested_amount": "20",
                                        "reference": "8363870232148760",
                                        "channel": "transfer",
                                        "domain": "live",
                                        "status": "success",
                                        "customer_id": 482207,
                                        "created_at": "2023-01-14T21:05:54.000000Z",
                                        "paid_at": "2023-01-14 22:07:31"