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Accept Payment

Server to Server (v2)

The Transactions API allows you create and manage payments on your integration

  • Encrypt your Card (Card Number, Expiry Date, CVV and PIN) with
  • Pass your secret key as the Bearer token in Authorization Header.
  • Encrypt the whole payout using your pub_key and Pass your HMAC Signature as Encryption Header. (Required only in Payout and Bills Payment)

Card Encryption (v2)

Card Encryption: perform aes-256-cbc encryption on your card payload using your pub_key and reference
To generate a test card encryption, kindly use our test encryption endpoint below

Endpoint: /test/encryption
Method: POST


Param Type Required? Decription
authorization string Yes Set value to Bearer SECRET_KEY
content-type string Yes Set value to application/json

Card Encryption Payload

                                    "data" :{
                                        "number": "5123450000000008",
                                        "expiryMonth": "10",
                                        "expiryYear": "22",
                                        "cvv" : "100",
                                        "pin" : "1234" // (optional - only required for local cards)
                                    "reference": "1253627873656276350"

Card Encryption Output

                                    "card" :"83fa6763bb31bae36a74f787ab814514aeede91fcdb311fd67609b414c5e5ea2751a47870c8717e71bcbc9c33287a3d6af9ffae8e2edbf2de1e2694384d699b020d31492637eef60d7a63f303798363a"

Initialize Transaction (S2S v2)

Initialize a transaction from your backend.
You are required to parse your card encryption output as card parameter in your Transaction Initialize payload.
You are expected to perform HMAC-SHA-512 encryption on your Transaction Initialize payload using your secret_key and parse it as Encryption in your Header. The parameters of this payload to encrypt must be in Alphabetical order.

Endpoint: /transaction/initialize
Method: POST


Param Type Required? Decription
authorization string Yes Set value to Bearer SECRET_KEY
encryption string Yes Set value to your Signature_HMAC-SHA-512 output
content-type string Yes Set value to application/json

Sample Post

                                curl https://api.budpay.com/api/s2s/v2/transaction/initialize
                                -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
                                -H "Encryption: Signature_HMAC-SHA-512"
                                -H "Content-Type: application/json"
                                -d '{ "amount": "100", "card" :"83fa6763bb31bae36a74f787ab814514aeede91fcdb311fd67609b414c5e5ea2751a47870c8717e71bcbc9c33287a3d6af9ffae8e2edbf2de1e2694384d699b020d31492637eef60d7a63f303798363a", "currency": "USD", "email": "test@email.com", "reference": "1253627873656276350" }'
                                -X POST

3DS2 Sample Response

                                    "status": true,
                                    "message": "Proceed authentication 3DS2",
                                    "data": "<div id=\"initiate3dsSimpleRedirect\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/html\"> <iframe id=\"methodFrame\" name=\"methodFrame\" height=\"100\" width=\"200\" > </iframe> <form id =\"initiate3dsSimpleRedirectForm\" method=\"POST\" action=\"https://secure-acs2ui-b1.wibmo.com/v1/acs/services/threeDSMethod/8528?cardType=M\" target=\"methodFrame\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"threeDSMethodData\" value=\"eyJ0aHJlZURTTWV0aG9kTm90aWZpY2F0aW9uVVJMIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9ldS5nYXRld2F5Lm1hc3RlcmNhcmQuY29tL2NhbGxiYWNrSW50ZXJmYWNlL2dhdGV3YXkvOGFkZGRiNzE1MTQwMjk2OWMxMmI1Y2QzNjBhOTdmYTdiZTE1ZWU1NWZiZDEwZTE5MmI3ZDIwNDcxNmQxYTVlNSIsInRocmVlRFNTZXJ2ZXJUcmFuc0lEIjoiZjgxNGM3YWMtMmRiOS00Nzg1LThhMjYtYjA2NjZlYTBjMGVkIn0=\" /> </form> <script id=\"initiate-authentication-script\"> var e=document.getElementById(\"initiate3dsSimpleRedirectForm\"); if (e) { e.submit(); if (e.parentNode !== null) { e.parentNode.removeChild(e); } } </script> </div>",
                                    "_links": {
                                        "url": "http://api.budpay.com/api/mastercard-payment/3ds2auth",
                                        "method": "POST",
                                        "payload": [

You are required to open the 3DS2 Response data html in a hidden page to run in background for 20 seconds and then hit the _links endpoint in the response to proceed. After that you will get the Final Response.

Note: You will receive 3DS2 response for cards that support 3DS2. If not, you will get the Final Response instead.

Final Sample Response

                                    "status": "success",
                                    "message": "Approved or Captured"


Param Type Required? Decription
email string Yes Customer email address
amount string Yes Amount you are debiting customer. Do not pass this if creating subscriptions.
card string Yes Encrypted Card output from card encryption.
currency string no Currency charge should be performed in. Allowed values are: NGN, USD or GBP It defaults to your integration currency. Default currency set to NGN when currency parameter is not set
reference string Yes Unique case sensitive transaction reference. Only -,_,., =and alphanumeric characters allowed.

3DS2 Flow Diagram